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  • 21-11-25
    Detailed explanation of the thermal transfer process This product is an imported coating. It can provide the ink adhesion coating required for thermal transfer for various ceramics, metals, stones, bamboo and wood materials, and imitation porcelain. The method of use can be hand brushing, spraying, electrostatic, roller coating, high-pressure airless spraying or pouring, etc., and can be appli
  • 20-08-09
    Traditional thermal transfer technology Thermal transfer is a printing process that has been popular in China for less than 20 years. It was introduced to my country from abroad in the 1990s. After continuous efforts, exploration and research by peers in the industry, it has become a mature and rapidly updated printing process. Because this process has great advantages in controlling production
  • 18-07-05
    1 Thermal transfer machine operating procedures 1 The operator of this machine must undergo professional training and understand and be familiar with the operation of the machine, including the sequence of operating steps, the location and function of each switch and button, the readings and meanings of each instrument, etc. It is forbidden for unrelated personnel to operate the machine or dire
  • 20-04-15
    The thermal transfer machines produced by our company have accumulated many years of production experience, combined the strengths of various companies, and adopted standardized design. All mechanical parts are processed by special processes to improve wear resistance. Key parts are selected from high-quality imported parts, which improves the stability and service life of the whole machine, and i
  • 16-12-18
    Thermal transfer-how to test the sealing of food packaging Many foods rot and deteriorate during storage. Many of the factors are due to the good barrier performance of the film and the poor sealing of the food packaging bag. Today, let's talk about the sealing of food packaging bags. The commonly said sealing refers to the packaging bag blocking other external substances from entering the p
  • 19-09-09
    Thermal transfer machinery - thermal transfer film production requirements When thermal transfer machinery is produced and processed, the temperature should usually be maintained within the range of 5-30 degrees Celsius. And heat sources should be avoided, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the film. Thermal transfer machinery and film production require professional process lines, heat sea
  • 21-07-07
    The difference between traditional thermal transfer and digital thermal transfer (1) The difference in printing method: traditional thermal transfer belongs to plate printing; digital thermal transfer belongs to plateless printing. (2) The difference in printing color quality: traditional thermal transfer cannot solve the color reproduction problem well; digital thermal transfer can solve th
  • 17-08-08
    Advantages of using thermal transfer equipment Thermal transfer, also known as thermal sublimation, is a general term for all thermal transfer technology machinery and equipment. It includes flat hot wire drawing machines, cup drying machines, hat drying machines and other functional thermal transfer equipment. The printing area is also very wide, not only can flat printing be hot, but also can
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Name: Edison





Add:Dazhuge Industry Park,Jiaozhou City,Qingdao,China



