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  • 19-09-09
    Thermal transfer machinery - thermal transfer film production requirements When thermal transfer machinery is produced and processed, the temperature should usually be maintained within the range of 5-30 degrees Celsius. And heat sources should be avoided, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the film. Thermal transfer machinery and film production require professional process lines, heat sea
  • 21-07-07
    The difference between traditional thermal transfer and digital thermal transfer (1) The difference in printing method: traditional thermal transfer belongs to plate printing; digital thermal transfer belongs to plateless printing. (2) The difference in printing color quality: traditional thermal transfer cannot solve the color reproduction problem well; digital thermal transfer can solve th
  • 17-08-08
    Advantages of using thermal transfer equipment Thermal transfer, also known as thermal sublimation, is a general term for all thermal transfer technology machinery and equipment. It includes flat hot wire drawing machines, cup drying machines, hat drying machines and other functional thermal transfer equipment. The printing area is also very wide, not only can flat printing be hot, but also can
  • 19-08-10
    Application of thermal transfer on glass bottles Thermal transfer film is a technical method of printing patterns and glue on heat-resistant films, and adhering patterns (ink layers) and glue layers to glass bottles through heating and pressure. This process is mostly used on plastics and paper, and is less used on glass bottles. Process flow: 1. Color draft; 2. Printing film; 3. Thermal trans
  • 16-02-03
    Importance of full inspection in printing production Our company's thermal transfer production mainly adopts gravure printing technology, and gravure printing technology usually has printing defects such as registration error, scraper line, plate blocking, and anti-sticking due to factors such as operating process and equipment accuracy. Although we have done preliminary inspections on the tens
  • 19-10-08
    Thermal transfer is an emerging printing process Thermal transfer is an emerging printing process that has been introduced from abroad for only more than 10 years. The printing method of this process is divided into two parts: transfer film printing and transfer processing. The pattern is pre-printed on the surface of the film. The printed pattern is rich in layers, bright in color, ever-changi
  • 24-08-12
    1-What is aluminized thermal transfer film What is aluminized thermal transfer film? Aluminized thermal transfer film is based on ordinary thermal transfer film, with aluminized process, to give the thermal transfer film a metallic luster. 2-Features of aluminized thermal transfer film The structure of ordinary thermal transfer film is generally composed of four layers: substrate layer, re
  • 17-07-05
    1- Difficulty of Metal Thermal Transfer Film Technology Metal thermal transfer film technology is the most complex and difficult transfer technology among all thermal transfer technologies. The reason why metal thermal transfer film technology is complex is because of the diversity of metal materials. Common metal materials in the printing field now mainly include: galvanized sheets and pip
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Name: Edison





Add:Dazhuge Industry Park, Jiaozhou City, Qingdao, China



