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  • 24-08-12
    1-What is laser thermal transfer film What is laser thermal transfer film? Laser thermal transfer film is a special process film that adds laser effect on the basis of aluminum-plated thermal transfer to make the surface pattern of the product more dazzling. 2-Laser thermal transfer film printing steps The laser thermal transfer film printing steps are the same as general thermal transfer
  • 14-03-08
    1-Application of plastic thermal transfer film Plastic thermal transfer film is widely used in products in industries such as daily necessities, cosmetics, stationery, toys, electrical appliances, building materials, decorative materials, gifts, food packaging, signs, and printing and decoration of packaging. 2-Plastic thermal transfer film of different materials Because plastic thermal trans
  • 24-08-12
    1-What is PET thermal transfer film Thermal transfer film printing is basically PET thermal transfer film printing. PET film has high tensile strength, good thermal stability, low thermal shrinkage, smooth surface, good peeling, and extremely small thickness deviation. Due to its excellent material properties, PET thermal transfer film is widely used as the base film in the thermal transfer in
  • 15-01-07
    What is PVC thermal transfer film? From the literal meaning of "PVC thermal transfer film", people who have not been exposed to the thermal transfer industry may think that the base film is a thermal transfer film made of PVC material. There are several misunderstandings here. The following points can help us better understand what PVC thermal transfer film is. 1. To understand PVC thermal
  • 24-08-12
    Thermal transfer printing film, thermal transfer film production 1. What is thermal transfer printing film Thermal transfer printing film is a necessary medium material in thermal transfer. Thermal transfer is a technical form in which the pattern is first printed on the base film, printed into a thermal transfer printing film, and the pattern on the film is transferred to different substra
  • 24-08-10
    Talk about the relevant knowledge of thermal transfer printing ink Thermal transfer is mainly suitable for plastic products. It has a fast production speed and can produce tens of thousands of products in 8 working hours a day, so thermal transfer is popular among major manufacturers. Plastic products that can be used include ABS, PP, PE, EVA, PVE, PT, etc., and can also be used for stainless s
  • 18-06-06
    Dye History Knowledge of Thermal Transfer Technology In ancient times, or before the invention of synthetic dyes, only natural dyes extracted from plants, animals or minerals could be used for textile printing. Since W. Perkin invented synthetic pigments in 1856, natural dyes have been time-consuming and labor-intensive to use as textile dyes, and they cannot be prefabricated into products that
  • 20-01-11
    Analysis of the selection of processing equipment for thermal transfer Thermal transfer is to transfer the pattern of thermal transfer film to the surface of the workpiece through preheating and pressing. Using thermal transfer film printing, the color pattern can be formed in one time, without color matching, and simple equipment can also print realistic patterns with bright colors, glossy and
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Name: Edison





Add:Dazhuge Industry Park,Jiaozhou City,Qingdao,China



