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  • 23-06-01
    1-Thermal transfer film is a protective decorative film Thermal transfer film is a protective decorative film that can not only separate the protective layer and the pattern layer from the polyester substrate, but also cleverly use the characteristics of temperature and pressure to melt the glue intact, so that the entire decorative layer is bonded to the substrate and perfectly printed on the pr
  • 21-03-06
    1-Thermal transfer rubber roller is an essential consumable Thermal transfer rubber roller is an essential consumable Thermal transfer rubber roller is an essential consumable in the thermal transfer processing procedures. It is an ideal choice for transferring decorative cylindrical peripheries and large flat or curved surfaces. Its material has a certain degree of hardness and can be matched w
  • 18-11-02
    Processing steps of PVC thermal transfer film 1. Under the thrust of conveying through, the thermal transfer film is brought into contact with the substrate; 2. With the high temperature and high pressure of the rubber tube, the transfer layer is melted and transferred to the substrate; 3. Remove the printing pressure, wait for it to cool down, and then peel off the base film; 4. The substrate
  • 21-11-11
    Three advantages of PVC thermal transfer film If the thermal transfer film is subdivided, it can be divided into many categories, and PVC thermal transfer film is a typical one. Compared with thermal transfer films of other materials, it has its own unique characteristics. The following is a brief introduction. 1. Environmentally friendly decorative materials PVC thermal transfer film is a
  • 20-01-31
    1-Printing technology The printing technology anti-counterfeiting technology can be divided into plate-making technology anti-counterfeiting technology, printing technology anti-counterfeiting technology, and post-printing processing technology anti-counterfeiting technology according to the production process. They are organically combined and cleverly combined with anti-counterfeiting printing
  • 24-08-12
    How does thermal transfer film technology adjust the amount of ink in the printing process? 1-In the process of thermal transfer film technology, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of ink to adjust the color to a certain degree. The special color matching of ink is the same as that of ordinary ink, but the color of thermal transfer ink printed on the thermal transfer film and transfer
  • 22-05-09
    Description of ordinary thermal transfer film 1. Ordinary thermal transfer film The concept of ordinary thermal transfer film is to distinguish thermal transfer films that require special process treatment, such as aluminum-plated thermal transfer film and laser thermal transfer film, from thermal transfer films that do not have any special effects. 2. Market price of ordinary thermal tra
  • 22-03-19
    Advantages of thermal transfer technology 1. Since thermal transfer processing technology was introduced from abroad more than 20 years ago, it has received a strong market response. Nowadays, with the advancement of science and technology, thermal transfer processing technology is becoming more and more popular in the market. However, what are the advantages of thermal transfer processing techno
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Name: Edison





Add:Dazhuge Industry Park,Jiaozhou City,Qingdao,China



