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The structure and characteristics of thermal transfer film

How many layers does the thermal transfer film have? The base layer, that is, the carrier coated with release agent, ink and adhesive, is required to be temperature-resistant, pressure-resistant and have small tensile deformation. The release layer is a layer of release layer coating. It is in a solid state at room temperature and can melt at a specific temperature. The bonding force with the base layer becomes smaller and it can be quickly separated from the base layer without any problem. Adhesive residue.

Release agent is the key to separating the printing layer from the base layer and transporting it to the surface of the substrate. It is required to have excellent wear resistance, protect color inks, reduce the radiation intensity of ultraviolet rays, reduce the invasion of inks by adverse factors in the air, extend the service life of inks, and buffer the adhesion of the base film and the printing layer. . Printing layer, this layer is the basis for the aesthetic texture of thermal transfer products. With the advancement of printing technology and the development of image processing technology, the printing layer has various colors and patterns. In particular, the graphics and text obtained by gravure printing can well reflect the delicate graphics and text, making the packaging decoration effect more perfect.

Adhesive layer, its basic function is to have a high bonding force with the surface of the substrate to ensure a strong bond between the printing layer and the surface of the substrate. This layer of adhesive must match the printing material. Different adhesives, due to different chemical compositions, have very different adhesion to the substrate. The selection should be made based on different substrates. Heat transfer printing film is a heat transfer printing film developed for ABS materials. It mainly consists of PET base film, release layer, protective layer, ink layer and glue. Multi-color printing can be completed at one time, with fewer processes, high efficiency, low cost, fast speed, and no environmental pollution. At the same time, laser and aluminum plating effects can also be added. After transfer processing, it has strong adhesion and wear resistance. Sun fastness and other properties. It has been widely used in toys, daily necessities, cosmetics and other plastic products.

 Key points for processing thermal transfer film: Thermal transfer film has its own unique properties. In order to obtain the ideal hot stamping effect, the optimal temperature, pressure and speed must be strictly controlled. It has three strict process parameter indicators: Determination of temperature: if the temperature is too low, the hot stamping will not be able to go on or the hot stamping will not be strong, and it will also make the imprint bloom; if the temperature is too high, the surface of the color layer will be oxidized and the product will be damaged. It loses its luster, becomes darker in color, and may blister in severe cases. To determine the optimal hot stamping temperature, the following factors should be considered: pressure, speed, area, room temperature, etc. The hot stamping temperature generally ranges from 140℃ to 180℃. Once the optimal temperature is determined, it should be kept constant and the temperature difference should be within ±2℃.

 Determination of pressure: Hot stamping pressure is generally 4-6 kg/cm2. If the pressure is too small, the hot stamping film cannot adhere to the substrate, reducing the fastness; if the pressure is too high, the compression deformation of the substrate will increase, resulting in pattern deformation and thinning of the printing layer. If you are hot stamping complex and uneven products, you must pay more attention to the uniformity of each pressure point, and the pressure angle between the hot stamping wheel and the substrate is required to be higher. Otherwise, it is very easy for some parts to be strong and some not to be strong.




Name: Edison





Add:Dazhuge Industry Park,Jiaozhou City,Qingdao,China



