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Frequently Asked Questions in Food Bag Production

Speaking of food bags, we all know that the food we eat in our daily life comes in a variety of outer packaging. This kind of outer packaging is called food packaging bags. Food bags include color-printed food bags, bright-colored food bags, high-temperature cooking food bags, etc. So what is the reason why the bright vacuum food bags we usually use have quality problems during the processing?

They are: improper selection of adhesive, technical problems and base material reasons, improper selection of adhesive; the adhesive itself is dark in color; the adhesive lacks fluidity and flatness and cannot be spread on the base film.

Technical problem: The inlet temperature of the baking channel is too high or there is no temperature gradient. The inlet temperature is too high and monotonic too fast, causing the solvent on the outer surface of the glue layer to evaporate and form a skin on the outer surface. Then when the heat penetrates deep into the glue layer, the The solvent vaporizes and breaks through the glue layer to form a ring. The glue layer is not ignited in circles.

The rubber roller or scraper has shortcomings. It cannot press at all, forming gaps and not bright. There is too much dust in the air. There is dust in the hot air blown in the drying tunnel after gluing. On the surface of the glue layer, it is sandwiched between two base films during lamination. In the middle, there are lots of small spots making it opaque.

Self-standing zipper bag manufacturer: How to customize packaging bags?

In daily life, when we buy things we need at home, we often see that most of our products are plastic packaging bags. Each type of plastic packaging bag is different and is customized by manufacturers according to their own needs. Below we Let’s take a look at the precautions for customizing plastic packaging bags.

Key points of customizing plastic packaging bags When customizing plastic packaging bags, the type and size can be determined by yourself, because each merchant is different and their products are also different. Taking convenience bags in supermarkets as an example, generally speaking, there are three types: large, medium and small, but These types are not completely consistent between manufacturers, and sometimes the types can be adjusted according to the specific needs of the supermarket.

Moreover, convenience bags in supermarkets must be printed with national unified chain logos, food safety bags, and even food safety-related logos before they can be put into use. When making a customized plastic packaging bag, its overall planning is also very important. We Every enterprise will have its own different characteristics and different signs.

So when making plastic bags, I hope you can put your own characteristics and logos directly into the plastic bags. This is also a kind of advertising. The above are some things you need to pay attention to when making plastic packaging bags. In addition to these aspects, It is also very important to choose a regular plastic packaging bag manufacturer. Only regular manufacturers can ensure that customized plastic packaging bags can be put into the market and are safe after production, especially if the plastic bags come into contact with food.




Name: Edison





Add:Dazhuge Industry Park,Jiaozhou City,Qingdao,China



